Race Report: Speed Circuit 2024 Nurburgring

Italian Team Triumphs at the German Grand Prix

Ferrari’s Lauda held pole position ahead of seven other drivers at the start of this year’s German Grid Prix at Nerburgring. BRM’s Pescarolo shared the front row with Lauda. Hunt and Beltoise secured the second row followed by Regazzoni and Andretti. Schenken and Reutermann filled out the field in the last row.

Pescarolo took an early lead, but was soon eclipsed by Lauda and Hunt. Andretti clawed his way into 5th.

Lauda and Hunt battle for the lead. Andretti threatened the BRMs. Schenken crashed in the Halzenbackbogen turn, but escaped serious injury.

Hunt pushed his car hard and crossed the start finish line ahead of Lauda gaining the first lap bonus point. Lauda got by Hunt and took charge in the second lap. Andretti moved up to fourth with Regazonni hot on his heals.

Lauda extended his lead and was first across the start finish line to gain the second lap’s bonus point. Hunt began to slow. Andretti damaged his engine and pulled into the pits to end his day. Reutermann began charging his Brabham through the field.

Lauda dominated the third lap with his Ferrari and completed the race far ahead of the pack. Pescarolo finished second followed by Reutermann. Regazzoni squeezed by Hunt to finish fourth. Race details follow:

1st Den H. (C. N. Lauda) 80/40/40/140/6 S*
2nd Ray R. (H. Pescarolo) 80/40/20/140/5 S
3rd Dave M. (Reutermann) 40/40/60/160/5 S
4th Den H. (C. Regazzoni) 60/40/40/140/5 S
5th Steve K. (J. Hunt) 60/40/20/160/6 S*
6th Ray R. (J-P. Beltoise) 80/40/40/140/5 S
DNF Adam J. (M. Andretti) 40/60/40/160/5 N
CR1 Dave K. (T. Schenken) 40/60/40/160/5 S

Note: Due to a mix-up, Reutermann drove an orange March instead of the usual white Brabham.

Race Report: Speed Circuit 2024 Brands Hatch

Two Brits Led the British Grand Prix But Only One Finished.

Five teams and 10 drivers filled out the grid of the British Grand Prix at Brands Hatch. Teams included Maki led by rookie manager Jon. Embassy’s G. Hill held the pole position and shared the front row with BRM’s driver Pescarolo. The number two Embassy and BRM drivers held the second row. Followed by Keizan and Hunt. Maki’s Ganley sat on the inside of the fourth row with Lauda beside him. Scheckter and Regazzoni secured the last row of the grid.

Hill Blasted past Pescarolo to take an early lead. Hunt struggled to gain ground.

Team Hesketh drivers worked together and moved up second and third place while the Ferrari struggled in the back of the pack. Cars were three wide heading down the front straight as they completed the first lap.

Hill completed the first lap in the lead and gained a bonus point closely followed by Hunt and Scheckter. During the second lap, the Ferrari’s started move up, but Regazzoni spun out while avoiding a collision. Then the Team Maki dropped out of the race. Team Hesketh took the lead.

Hunt extended his lead and pushed his car to its limits. Lauda began moving up through the pack. Hill kept his sites on Hunt.

Hunt stayed out front and finished lap two with a formidable lead. The BRMs fell further back. Lauda pressed forward. Hill waited to make a move.

The third lap turned into a battle for the lead between the two British drivers, Hunt and Hill.

Then Hunt broke his car at Sterlings corner and was out of the race. Hunt moved into second, but could not catch Hill. Hill won the race far ahead of the other competitors for team Embassy’s first win! Congratulations Mike.

Race details follow:

1st Mike C. (G. Hill) 80/40/40/140/5 S*
2nd Den H. (C. N. Lauda) 40/60/40/160/5 S
3rd Mike C. (Edwards) 80/20/40/140/5 S
4th Den H. (C. Regazzoni) 40/60/40/140/5 S
5th Steve K. (I. Scheckter) 60/40/20/160/5 S
6th Ray R. (J-P. Beltoise) 40/60/60/140/5 S
7th Ray R. (H. Pescarolo) 40/40/60/140/5 S
DNF (eng) Steve K. (J. Hunt) 60/40/40/160/5 S
DNF Jon B. (H. Ganley) 60/40/40/160/5 S
DNF Jon B. (E. Keizan) 40/40/40/160/5 S

The next race is the German Grand Prix and its scheduled for 31 July 2024. See you at the races.

Race Report: Speed Circuit 2024 Monaco 1970 v2

Team Surtees Dominated the Streets of Monaco!

Five teams and a total of ten drivers participated in this season’s Monaco Grand Prix. Teams Surtees and Ferrari occupied the first two rows of the grid and they battled ferociously throughout the race. Scheckter and Edwards started on the third row followed by Beltoise and G. Hill. Pescarolo and Hunt filled out the last row.

Lauda got to the inside of Mass, but he could not hold the lead position and he was soon passed by both Mass and Pace. Pace took the lead from his teammate Mass. Mass stayed behind Pace on the straights and slip streamed him throughout the race.  Scheckter put pressure on the Regazzoni.


Luada tried to breakup the Surtees drivers, but he kept getting forced off the racing line. Hunt developed engine trouble and quickly fell out of contention.


Scheckter and G. Hill passed Regazzoni. Team Surtees began to extend their lead. Pace was first across the start finish line for the first lap.

Team Surtees maintained their lead. G. Hill slipped by Lauda and into 3rd.

Pace and Mass gained an insurmountable lead through the tunnel. Lauda and G. Hill battled for third place.

Regazzoni blundered, mis-shifted, and lost two positions. Scheckter spun-out in Virage De La Rascasse. Pace finished first followed by Mass. Lauda managed to get around G. Hill to finish third. Congratulations to Team Surtees’ manager Tom V.!

Race details follow.

1st Tom V. (C. Pace) 40/60/40/160/5 S*
2nd Tom V. (J. Mass) 60/40/40/140/5 S
3rd Den H. (C. N. Lauda) 60/60/20/160/5 S
4th Mike C. (G. Hill) 40/60/60/140/5 N
5th Ray R. (J-P. Beltoise) 40/60/60/140/5 S
6th Den H. (C. Regazzoni) 60/40/40/160/4 N
7th Steve K. (I. Scheckter) 40/40/40/160/5 S
8th Mike C. (Edwards) 40/60/60/140/4 N
9th Ray R. (H. Pescarolo) 40/40/60/140/5 S
10th Steve K. (J. Hunt) 40/40/40/160/6 S

Next race is scheduled for 19 June 2024 at Brands Hatch. See you all at the race.

SPEED CIRCUIT 2024 Season 14 House Rules (29 May 2024)

Use normal speed circuit rules with the following variations.


If six or less players attend a race, then each player should field 2 cars. If 7 or more players are present, then the players must agree whether 2 cars are allowed. A player may always choose to only field 1 car.

Skill Points.

Each team is assigned 2 skill points per lap.  For example at the beginning or a 3 lap race a team would be assigned 6 skill points.  Players use skill points instead of rolling a die in most cases.  Players decide before rolling dice whether or not to use a skill point. Points do not need to be pre-assigned to a specific team member.

Car Construction. 

When a player controls more than one driver he must assign 5 build points to one driver 4 to the other.

Dice Rolls.

Instead of rolling1d6 on tables roll 2d6. Higher rolls are always better. All tables have been adjusted to reflect the changes.

Advantage or Disadvantage.

When rolling with Advantage or Disadvantage roll 3d6 instead of 2. For Advantage add the highest 2 dice. For Disadvantage add the lowest 2 dice. In both cases ignore the 3rd die.

Down Force Settings (for winged cars).

Before assigning build points the player must choose the downforce of each car and use the corresponding row on the Performance Chart.  The player must choose one of the following settings for each of their cars independently:

Down Force







Chance Table, Testing Brakes

Exceeding Acceleration and Top Speed


Exceeding Acceleration and Top Speed

Chance Table, Testing Brakes

Grid Order.

There are 4 grid groups.  Cars in a lower numbered grid group will be placed on the starting ahead of cars in a higher numbered grid. 

Step 1: Place all cars in a grid group based on their starting speed:

Start Speed

Grid Group







Step 2: Starting with cars in group 4, players may spend 1 wear point to move a car into the next lower numbered grid group. A car may only move down one grid from its starting group.

Step 3: Starting with the lowest numbered grid group containing cars, place cars on grid starting positions. If there is more than one car in a group, then the players roll 2d6 for each car. A player may spend a skill point to roll with Advantage. The car with the highest roll result is placed on the grid first.  Tied cars will continue to roll off until the tie is broken. Spent wear and skill point are not available for the race.

Late Breaking. 

To avoid a collision or slow down for a corner, a player may choose to reduce his written speed before moving.  The speed reduction takes place in the space before the collision would occur or before a corner is entered.  Consult the Deceleration Chart and add 20 to the total amount the car is over its Max Deceleration. Example: a car plotted to exceed Max Deceleration by 20mph and then late brakes an additional 20mph would check against the braking table as if it exceeded Max Deceleration by 60mph.

Pass Through. 

When all lanes are blocked on a straightaway, instead of a collision a player may attempt to pass through one of the squares containing another vehicle.  If not blocked, then the passing player may spend 1 wear or roll on the Pass Through Table.  The player may spend a skill to roll with advantage.

The player being passed through may allow or attempt to block the pass through.  If the player attempts to block, then the passing player may call off the passing attempt or continue.  If the passer continues, then both players must roll on the Pass Through Table with Disadvantage (roll 3d6 add lowest 2). You may spend one skill point to nullify the Disadvantage.

Pass Through Table





Successful Pass.

No effect





Spinout and use one wear.

Spinout and use one wear

Corner Acceleration.

Players may accelerate a car starting on the last space of a corner (the last space with a speed limit).  Cars starting in a corner, but not in the last space of a corner, may not accelerate. Cars that spin in a corner may accelerate using start speed on their next turn, even if they are not on the last space of the corner.  Cars starting in the last space of a corner are not impacted by the space’s speed limit.


Cars may use bonus spaces to enter or exit a corner.

Spinout – Car Placement.

Face the car in the opposite direction and off to the side of the track next to the space it spun. Spun cars do not block traffic. During the following turn, spun cars re-enter the track on one of the spaces in the row it spun in. If the spaces are occupied, then it must wait for cars in those spaces to move before re-entering the track.

Long Tracks.

If 1 lap of a track is equal to or exceeds the length of an average 3-lap race and one lap is planned, then calculate Wear and Skill points as if the race was 3-laps. This rule applies to tracks like Steve’s realistically long Nurbergring.


During a race, the first car to complete the 1st lap receives a bonus point. The first car to complete the 2nd lap also scores a bonus point. All cars that complete a race score points. Cars that do not finish the race do not score points (unless they earned bonus points for leading laps 1 or 2). If 12 or fewer cars start a race use the following formula to determine finishing points: 1st = Number of Cars +3; 2nd = Number of Cars +1; 3rd the Number of Cars -2; 4th = Number of Cars -3; 5th = the number of cars -4; etc. Continue this pattern. If more than 12 cars start a race, then use 12 for the Number of Cars in the above formula.  Cars finishing beyond 12th place receive 1 point.


Race Report: Speed Circuit 2024 Jarama

Low Turn Out Resulted in High Excitement!

Only four teams turned out for April’s race at Jarama and each fielded two drivers. Mass sat on pole with Fittapaldi beside him. Pace, the series leader and Lauda occupied the second row followed by  the two Hesketh drivers Hunt and Scheckter. Regazzoni and Hulme filled out the last row.

Lauda, in the #12 Ferrari, took on both Surtees drivers, Mass and Pace. The yellow and blue cars of Team Surtees held the lead. Reggezoni in the #11 Ferrari quickly advanced through the pack. Hesketh and McClaren driver began a bitter struggle that lasted most of the race.

Lauda gained the lead through the Ascari only to loose it to a Fittapaldi who surge ahead for a time. Mass began to experience brake trouble and fell back.

Lauda regained the lead and completed the lap just ahead of Pace. Pace’s machine had superior acceleration and top-speed that he used to great effect down the long straight. Although far behind, Hunt prepared for a charge in the second lap. The Team McLaren manager singled to his drivers to conserve wear and save their tires for the final lap.

The second lap was characterized by the Ferrari drivers chasing Pace. Pace used tactics to keep Lauda off the optimal racing line preventing him from passing. Meanwhile, the aggressive Hunt was surprised and frustrated by Team McLaren’s conservative driving strategy.

This time Pace was first to complete the lap with Lauda on his heels. Regazzoni looked secure in 3rd. The previously stymied Hunt finally broke through the McLaren wall!

The Hesketh was also faster than the Ferraris down the straight and Hunt began to make up time. The Surtees and Ferrari cars were also showing signs of wear depletion and slowing down. Although still pressured by Lauda, Pace held the lead.

Pace and Lauda raced side-by-side pushing their machines to the limit. Hunt gained on Regazzoni. The McLarens made little to no progress.

Then Lauda lost control and spun in the Tunel, that last corner of the race! Pace pulled away for the win. Regazzoni and then Hunt passed the Lauda. Regazzoni took 2nd place just ahead of Hunt.

Race results follow:

1st Tom V. (C. Pace) 60/60/20/160/5 S*
2nd Den H. (C. Regazzoni) 60/40/40/140/5 N
3rd Steve K. (J. Hunt) 60/40/40/160/5 S
4th Den H. (N. Lauda) 60/40/40/140/6 N*
5th AJ H. (E. Fittipaldi) 60/40/20/160/6 S
6th AJ H. (D. Hulme) 60/40/20/160/6 S
7th Steve K. (I. Scheckter) 60/40/40/160/5 S
DNF (Brakes) Tom V. (J. Mass) 80/40/20/140/5 S

The next race is at Monaco and is scheduled for 29 May 2024.

See you at the race!

Race Report: Speed Circuit 2024 Kyalami

South African Grand Prix photo finish.

Nine teams completed in the South African Grand Prix at Kyalami. Ferrari and Surtees started in the first row followed by Elf Tyrrell and BRM. Embassy made its debut in the third row accompanied by McLaren. Shadow and Hesketh shared the fourth row. Brabham was alone in the fifth row.

Pace took and early lead followed closely by Lauda. Hill stalled on the start and fell behind. Fittipaldi launched his McLaren into 3rd place.

The Ferrari and the Surtees raced side-by-side for most of the 1st lap, but Pace in the Surtees held the lead. The rest of the field formed a conga line through the Esses.

Pace complete the lap first and picked up a bonus point. Beltoise catapulted his BRM into 3rd place and pressured Lauda. Hunt nursed his ailing Hesketh and fell back.

Beltoise slipped into 2nd, but Lauda soon recaptured the position. McLaren and Shadow fought for 4th.

While extending his lead, Pace completed the 2nd lap and gained another bonus point. Lauda pushed his Ferrari trying to close the gap between him and Pace. Revson, Scheckter, and Reutermann raced 3-wide down the front straight.

During the 3rd and final lap Fittipaldi spun twice and lost his position. Lauda caught up to Pace and they raced side-by-side through the Esses, the Bend and down the front straight. Although his was out of wear, Lauda charged through the kink at 140mph and crossed the finish line first for a photo finish win.

Beltoise the rest of the pack to take 3rd place. Reuterman, Revson, and Scheckter once again raced three wide down the front straight. Scheckter skid going through the kink. Revson finish fourth beside Reutermann. Race details follow:

1st Den H. (C. Regazzoni) 80/40/20/160/5 S
2nd Tom V. (C. Pace) 80/20/40/140/6 W**
3rd Ray R. (J-P. Beltoise) 60/40/40/160/5 S
4th Tori P. (P. Revson) 40/40/60/160/5 S
5th Dave M. (Reutermann) 40/60/60/140/5 S
6th Mike C. (G. Hill) 60/40/40/160/5 N
7th Chuck H. (J. Scheckter) 60/40/20/160/6 N
8th AJ H. (E. Fittipaldi) 80/40/40/140/5 S
9th Steve K. (J. Hunt) 60/40/40/160/5 S

Race Report: Speed Circuit 2024 Interlagos (by Steve)

Two Lap Marathon – From Last to First.

The Tabletop Racing club returned to Interlagos after a six year absence. Eight Teams filled out the grid including: UOP Shadow, Ferrari, Brabham, BRM, March, McLaren, JP Lotus, and Surtees.

Regazzoni launched his Ferrari off the starting line and into first place. He was challenged by Shadow’s Revson and Brabham’s Reutermann. Pace also got a good start moving from 8th to 6th going into Curva 1. The Surtees displayed superior acceleration.

Regazzoni, Reutermann, and Revson battled for the lead positions. Pace blasted down the straightway and captured the 4th position and by Curva 4 he was in 3rd! All the drivers were pushing their cars to the limit.

In order to avoid a collision, Fittapaldi spun his McLaren before the Ferradura. The field split in two with Beltoise leading the second group.

Pace got around Reutermann and Regazonni and was first across the line gaining the first lap bonus point. The Ferrari and the Brabham were taking a beating and showed signs of wear.

Pace quickly extended his lead. Regazonni couldn’t catch Pace, be he also stayed ahead of the pack. Revson and Reutermann slip back while Brambillo moved his March up.

Pace developed an insurmountable lead and won the race – going from last to first!

Congratulations Tom V.

Next race will be at Kaylami on 9 March 2024. Race details follow:

1st Tom V. (C. Pace) 40/60/40/180/4 S*
2nd Den H. (C. Regazzoni) 80/40/20/160/5 S
3rd Tori P. (P. Revson) 60/40/40/160/5 W
4th Dave K. (V. Brambilla) 40/60/40/160/5 S
5th Dave M. (Reutermann) 60/40/40/160/5 S
6th AJ H. (E. Fittipaldi) 60/40/20/160/6 S
7th Ray R. (J-P. Beltoise) 60/40/40/140/6 S
8th John H. (R. Peterson) 60/40/20/160/6 S

Race Report: Speed Circuit 2024 Buenos Aires (by Steve)

Surprises and Late Race Drama In Argentina

Two rookie along with six veteran team managers fielded drivers for this years race on the spectacular Buenos Aires circuit. Chuck took the helm of Elf Tyrell while Tori, the second rookie, became Shadow’s leader. AJ accepted an offer to take over McLaren and Den filled the vacancy at Ferrari.

Team Surtees driver Pace held the pole position and shared the front row with Ferrari driver Lauda. BRM’s Beltoise and Elf Tyrrell’s Scheckter occupied the second row. Hesketh’s Hunt appeared a bit impatient sitting in the 3rd row and Shadow’s Oliver was ready to race. The last row was shared by McLaren’s Fittipaldi and Lotus’ Peterson.

Pace and Lauda set a blistering pace during the first lap. Pace could not escape Lauda. Fittipaldi and Hunt also got a good start weaving their way through the pack. Fittipaldi was exceptionally quick moving from last to 3rd place by the end of the front straight.

Lauda slipped by Pace, got through the Curva de Parge Horquilla ahead of the pack, and passed the start finish line to collect the 1st bonus point gaining a formidable lead. Peterson and Hunt battled each other as they struggled to catch the leaders. Meanwhile Fittipaldi was stuck between Oliver and Scheckter, the two rookie managed team cars.

The 1st laps dynamic was repeated in the second. Lauda extended his lead while Pace chased him. Hunt followed closely behind Peterson. Fittipaldi got ahead of Schecter and Oliver, but could shake them.

During the last half of the 2nd, Pace closed the gap between him and Lauda, but Lauda was once again first to enter the front straight. Hunt and Peterson were neck and neck. Schecter moved by Fittipaldi. BRM driver Beltoise waited to make his move.

At the beginning of the 3rd lap, most of the cars showed signs of extensive wear. Luada was first across the start/finish line to gain the 2nd bonus point, but was not able to extend his lead as the pack reeled him in. Schecter catapulted by Hunt down the front straight and Hunt scrambled to regain the position.

A series of events made the race very interesting. Lauda skidded through the Entrada and Pace captured the lead. Peterson pulled up beside Lauda. Lauda charged into the Cajon and spun-out blocking the racing line. Schecter spun-out to avoid hitting Peterson and Fittipaldi spun-out in the Entrada. Exiting the Cajon, Pace was in the lead followed by Peterson. Hunt was in a drag race with Lauda. Beltoise passed Fittipaldi and pressured Oliver. The race had changed in the blink of an eye.

The leaders raced toward the Curva de Parga Horquilla, the last series of corners, with hardly and wear points. Pace made it through the last corner perfectly and was set to accellerate down the front staight the next turn with Peterson stuck behind him in the corner. Then Lauda made a daring move, he out braked Hunt and took the inside line to position his Ferrari next to Pace.

Lauda and Pace launch out of the last corner. The Ferrari’s engine began to sputter and lose power.

Meanwhile in the back of the pack, Fittipaldi attempted to out brake Beltoise but his brakes failed and his McLaren slid of the track just inches away from the retaining wall.

Lauda and Pace were side by side before the finish line and Lauda’s Ferrari trailed thick smoke. Pace crossed the finish line first to take the win. Lauda finished 2nd followed by Hunt and Peterson.

Race details follow:

1st Tom V. (C. Pace) 80/20/20/160/6 W
2nd Den H. (N. Lauda) 80/40/20/160/5 S**
3rd Steve K. (J. Hunt) 60/40/40/160/5 S
4th John H. (R. Peterson) 60/40/20/160/6 S
5th Chuck H. (J. Scheckter) 60/40/20/160/6 S
6th Tori P. (P. Revson) 40/40/60/160/5 S
7th Ray R. (J-P. Beltoise) 60/40/20/160/6 S
DNF AJ H. (E. Fittipaldi) 60/40/40/160/5 S

Race Report: Gaslands 08 November 2023

This year’s Gaslands event was held on the small oval again, but this time two teams of four drivers each competed against each other. The teams started at opposites ends of the track and raced in opposite directions. The carnage began at the first race gate.


The carnage begins!

Dave M., in the buggy, lead the red team in a tight formation as they raced toward the first gate. Ray R. steadied his magnum in the “Otto”.  And Jerry was locking on with his missiles. Travis brought the Punisher up to ramming speed.

The blue team appeared a bit disjointed. Dave K. powered the Yellow Ford pickup through the gate, Terry was forced to veer around the outside of the gate. Steve fearlessly piloted the Blue Beetle down the center of the track. Dan missed a shift and fell behind his team.


Dan face Red team on his own while Jerry waits for recovery.

Both teams suffered during the first exchange, but red took the most damage. Jerry was hit by Dave K’s rockets and mortar. His truck wrecked and exploded in a spectacular fashion throwing shrapnel at other drivers. Then his truck served as an obstacle that his teammate Travis almost hit. When Dan passed the red team, he was alone!

Steve drove the Blue Beetle at breakneck speeds and was first through the third gate. After passing through the gate he also wrecked. Since it was at the end of the turn his car was quickly recovered. But Steve and Jerry were not the only ones to wreck. Every driver suffered at least one wreck except Terry!

Terry heads toward the 3rd gate guns blazing.

Despite wrecking Steve continued to lead and was about to complete his final gate when Jerry smashed into him head-on. Steve’s buggy immediately wrecked and somersaulted across the gate to end the race.


The race ended in carnage!

With a little help from Jerry, Steve was first to complete 4 gates. I forgot to add up the points so I’m sure which team won, but the race was a blast for all.

Race Report: Speed Circuit 2023 Watkins Glen (by Steve)

Record Number of Spin-outs Lead to a Photo Finish at the Glen

The final race of the 13th Speed Circuit season took place at the US Grand Prix held at the Watkins Glen circuit. After the tragic loss of his teammate Cevert, this season’s champion, Jackie Stewart, opted not to race. Den managed team Brabham in Terry’s absence with mixed results. Rookie manager Tom V. took charge of STP March for their first race of the season.

A total of 8 drivers filled out the grid with Fittipaldi in the JPS Lotus on pole position. Galli and Beltoise also occupied the front row. Brabham, Hesketh, and Shadow teams held the second row while STP March and Martini Techno started in the last row.

Fittapaldi and Galli launch from the starting line and dueled for the lead. Beltoise in the white and red #13 BRM tried to hold off Reutemann, Purly, and Oliver who chased him 3-wide through the Club House Esses.

The black #1 Lotus took the lead with the Williams, Hesketh, Shadow, and BRM machines in hot pursuit. Beltoise slipped back to 6th place. Fittipaldi crossed the start/finish line just ahead of Purley to pickup a bonus point.

Fittapaldi and Purly raced side-by-side for most of the second lap. Beltoise continued to fall back while Jarrier began to move up. The four lead cars were side-by-side and nose to tail blasting out of the Chute!

Purly pulled ahead of Fittapaldi going down the Back Straight. Then, while entering the Speed Trap, Fittapaldi made the first of many spin-outs. Purly gained an impressive lead through the Fast Bend, but then inexplicable spun-out in the 90 Hard Right. Fittapaldi had fallen all the way back to 6th and his tires were wearing thin.

Purly righted his car and was first across the line to start the 3rd and final lap, but instead of having a comfortable lead he was facing a tough fight. Then the JPS Lotus spun-out in the 90 Hard Right. Amon got around Reutemann and was in 3rd place. Galli maneuvered to the inside and captured the lead from Purly.

Next, Fittapaldi spun-out in the Esses. Reutemann tucked in behind Amon, stressed his engine, and bolted into second place going down the Front Straight. He then attempted to take the inside lane going through the outer loop, a bold move that would have placed him in the lead, but he spun-out instead ruining his chances for a podium finish.

Purly’s race car was spent and he could not hold off Amon. Galli and Amon battle for the lead. The Techno was tuned with a higher top-speed, but the Williams stayed just ahead. Reutemann had lost momentum and slipped back to 6th and barely managed to fend off Beltoise.

The race ended in a photo finish between Galli and Amon with Galli taking the win for Williams. Purly took 3rd followed by Oliver. Race details follow:

1st Travis (N. Galli) 60/40/20/160/6 S
2nd Dave M. (C. Amon) 40/40/40/180/5 S
3rd Steve (D. Purly) 60/40/20/180/6 S
4th AJ (J. Oliver) 60/40/40/160/5 S
5th Tom V. (J.P. Jarrier) 40/60/20/160 S
6th Terry C {Den} (C. Reutemann) 60/40/40/160/5 S
7th Ray R. (J. Beltoise) 60/40/40/160/5 S
8th John H. (E. Fittipaldi) 60/60/20/160/5 S

Thanks for everyone who participated in our 13th season of Speed Circuit. The 14th season is scheduled to begin in January 2024 simulating the 1974 F1 championships.

Sadly, we bid a fond farewell to Terry and will truly miss his presence at the racing table.