SPEED CIRCUIT 2024 Season 14 House Rules (29 May 2024)

Use normal speed circuit rules with the following variations.


If six or less players attend a race, then each player should field 2 cars. If 7 or more players are present, then the players must agree whether 2 cars are allowed. A player may always choose to only field 1 car.

Skill Points.

Each team is assigned 2 skill points per lap.  For example at the beginning or a 3 lap race a team would be assigned 6 skill points.  Players use skill points instead of rolling a die in most cases.  Players decide before rolling dice whether or not to use a skill point. Points do not need to be pre-assigned to a specific team member.

Car Construction. 

When a player controls more than one driver he must assign 5 build points to one driver 4 to the other.

Dice Rolls.

Instead of rolling1d6 on tables roll 2d6. Higher rolls are always better. All tables have been adjusted to reflect the changes.

Advantage or Disadvantage.

When rolling with Advantage or Disadvantage roll 3d6 instead of 2. For Advantage add the highest 2 dice. For Disadvantage add the lowest 2 dice. In both cases ignore the 3rd die.

Down Force Settings (for winged cars).

Before assigning build points the player must choose the downforce of each car and use the corresponding row on the Performance Chart.  The player must choose one of the following settings for each of their cars independently:

Down Force







Chance Table, Testing Brakes

Exceeding Acceleration and Top Speed


Exceeding Acceleration and Top Speed

Chance Table, Testing Brakes

Grid Order.

There are 4 grid groups.  Cars in a lower numbered grid group will be placed on the starting ahead of cars in a higher numbered grid. 

Step 1: Place all cars in a grid group based on their starting speed:

Start Speed

Grid Group







Step 2: Starting with cars in group 4, players may spend 1 wear point to move a car into the next lower numbered grid group. A car may only move down one grid from its starting group.

Step 3: Starting with the lowest numbered grid group containing cars, place cars on grid starting positions. If there is more than one car in a group, then the players roll 2d6 for each car. A player may spend a skill point to roll with Advantage. The car with the highest roll result is placed on the grid first.  Tied cars will continue to roll off until the tie is broken. Spent wear and skill point are not available for the race.

Late Breaking. 

To avoid a collision or slow down for a corner, a player may choose to reduce his written speed before moving.  The speed reduction takes place in the space before the collision would occur or before a corner is entered.  Consult the Deceleration Chart and add 20 to the total amount the car is over its Max Deceleration. Example: a car plotted to exceed Max Deceleration by 20mph and then late brakes an additional 20mph would check against the braking table as if it exceeded Max Deceleration by 60mph.

Pass Through. 

When all lanes are blocked on a straightaway, instead of a collision a player may attempt to pass through one of the squares containing another vehicle.  If not blocked, then the passing player may spend 1 wear or roll on the Pass Through Table.  The player may spend a skill to roll with advantage.

The player being passed through may allow or attempt to block the pass through.  If the player attempts to block, then the passing player may call off the passing attempt or continue.  If the passer continues, then both players must roll on the Pass Through Table with Disadvantage (roll 3d6 add lowest 2). You may spend one skill point to nullify the Disadvantage.

Pass Through Table





Successful Pass.

No effect





Spinout and use one wear.

Spinout and use one wear

Corner Acceleration.

Players may accelerate a car starting on the last space of a corner (the last space with a speed limit).  Cars starting in a corner, but not in the last space of a corner, may not accelerate. Cars that spin in a corner may accelerate using start speed on their next turn, even if they are not on the last space of the corner.  Cars starting in the last space of a corner are not impacted by the space’s speed limit.


Cars may use bonus spaces to enter or exit a corner.

Spinout – Car Placement.

Face the car in the opposite direction and off to the side of the track next to the space it spun. Spun cars do not block traffic. During the following turn, spun cars re-enter the track on one of the spaces in the row it spun in. If the spaces are occupied, then it must wait for cars in those spaces to move before re-entering the track.

Long Tracks.

If 1 lap of a track is equal to or exceeds the length of an average 3-lap race and one lap is planned, then calculate Wear and Skill points as if the race was 3-laps. This rule applies to tracks like Steve’s realistically long Nurbergring.


During a race, the first car to complete the 1st lap receives a bonus point. The first car to complete the 2nd lap also scores a bonus point. All cars that complete a race score points. Cars that do not finish the race do not score points (unless they earned bonus points for leading laps 1 or 2). If 12 or fewer cars start a race use the following formula to determine finishing points: 1st = Number of Cars +3; 2nd = Number of Cars +1; 3rd the Number of Cars -2; 4th = Number of Cars -3; 5th = the number of cars -4; etc. Continue this pattern. If more than 12 cars start a race, then use 12 for the Number of Cars in the above formula.  Cars finishing beyond 12th place receive 1 point.